Para pelaku bisnis industri pariwisata di Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Komunitas Bisnis Dari Rumah ( BDR ) membentuk konsorsium untuk menjual paket-paket wisata muslim di Indonesia yang membidik segmen Muslim yang merindukan paket wisata dengan jaminan makanan halal ( halal food ) di destinasi baik nusantara maupun luar negeri, selain itu konsorsium ini juga menyediakan paket-paket umroh plus yang sangat diminati keluarga di Indonesia seperti ke Turki, Dubai, Maroko Spanyol, Aqso , Eropa dan Mesir.
100 pengusaha travel bergabung membuat konsorsium |
"Sebagai pelaku bisnis, mereka bekerjasama membentuk konsorsium dalam bentuk perseroan terbatas dimana sahamnya dimiliki oleh 100 pelaku bisnis industri pariwisata serta profesional dengan lebih dari 70 travel dan disepakati diberi nama PT. BDR Konsorsium.
Aktivitas promosi yang dilakukan konsorsium akan dilakukan melalui Above the line (ATL) seperti beriklan di media cetak dan berbagai media lain dan rencana kegiatan Below the Line (BTL) sebagaimana event dan pameran untuk memasarkan paket wisata,", demikian pernyataan Dirut PT. BDR Konsorsium Bapak H. Cheriatna.
Beliau mengatakan, konsorsium itu bahkan menggunakan dana mereka sendiri untuk melakukan berbagai macam promosi atas paket wisata halal termasuk promosi melalui surat elektronik, media sosial dan media cetak seperti majalah dan surat kabar.
Beberapa biro perjalanan wisata yang bergabung dalam konsorsium di antaranya :
- Cheria Wisata
- Siriz Travel
- Ababil Tour Travel
- Akbar Travel
- Al Baldah
- Al Shomadani Tour Travel
- Al Fath
- Al Mudoffar Tour Travel
- Amex Tour Travel
- Amira Wisata
- Andalusia Travindo
- Salam Wisata Nuryadin Tour Travel
- Ar Rosyid Tour Travel
- Lariz Travel
- Asia Travelholic
- Ayyash Tour Travel
- Azwa Umroh Tour Travel
- Baliasa Tour Travel
- Berbudi Wisata
- Cahaya Arroyyan Tour Travel
- Cahaya Khadija Wisata
- Cahaya Semesta
- Citra Nusa Sejati Tour Travel
- D’naim Tour Travel
- Delima 12 Tour Travel
- Dhaifah Tour Travel
- Dlyon Tour Travel
- Elfanza Tour Travel
- Happy Joy Tour
- Hasna Wisata,
- IM – Travel
- Indorama Tour Travel
- Menebar Bahagia Semesta Tour Travel
- I-You Travelovers
- Jasa Setia Wisata
- Jazira Wisata
- Menara Wisata
- Khadijah Tour Travel
- Khalila Tour Travel
- Khansa Tour and Travel
- Kholifah Wisata
- Lan Tabur Tour Travel
- Leap Perdana Tour Travel
- Lingkartama Travelindo
- Lintas Nusa Tour
- LW Tour Travel
- Madina Wisata
- Malika Tour Travel
- Maryam Tour Travel
- Mitra Ceria
- Namy Tour Travel
- Natura Tour Travel
- Putra Mandiri Wisata Tour
- Raidan Travel
- Raya Wisata
- Ryan Fadel Travelholic
- Shafwan Tour Travel
- She Tour Travel
- Sudez Wisata
- Syahani Tour Travel
- Faith Tour
- Insan Tour Travel
- Noura Tour Travel
- Timura Tour
- Turmeric Tour Travel
- Usain Tour Travel
- Wika 7 Travel Tour
- Asahy Tour Travel
- Banana Tour
- Madinah Iman Wisata
- Taqia Wisata
- Jabal Marwah Tour Travel
- Mahir International Tour
- Sayang Tour
- MTW Wisata
- SWD Tour Travel
- Khanza Travel
Direksi dan Komisaris PT BDR Konsorsium |
Produk wisata yang dihasilkan konsorsium itu adalah wisata muslim Cina, Korea, Jepang, Turki, Dubai, Mesir, Maroko, Eropa dengan harga yang kompetitif. Selain itu, konsorsium juga menjual berbagai paket umroh plus dengan bekerjasama dengan travel berijin Depag RI
"Konsorsium menerapkan strategi co-marketing dengan menggaet berbagai pihak penerbangan dan akhirnya tak hanya destinasi luar negeri tapi juga akan merintis destinasi nusantara, saat ini pihak Garuda Indonesia salah satu maskapai terbaik dunia juga sudah menyambut baik keberadaan konsorsium ini", ujar Bapak H. Cheriatna, pria kelahiran Jakarta, 5 Agustus 1974.
“Masih banyak peluang lain yang bisa digarap terutama dengan membidik segmen komunitas lain yang sangat beragam di Indonesia seperti pondok pesantren, ibu-ibu pengajian dan arisan juga lembaga seperti koperasi”, tukasnya.
“Saat ini konsorsium menawarkan kepada travel-travel untuk juga bisa bergabung menjadi anggota dengan manfaat bisa menjual secara bersama paket-paket tour muslim dan bisa belajar bersama di industri pariwisata yang sangat dinamis, keuntungan bagi member konsorsium juga adalah penggunaan sistim travel berbasis web dan juga desktop yang memudahkan para pemilik travel melakukan aktifitas bisnis dan berkomunikasi dengan anggota konsorsium yang lain. Artinya, kami siap menyambut era digital dengan membekali pengetahuan IT kepada seluruh anggota”, demikian kata beliau.
Konsorsium juga menjalin kemitraan dan membuka kesempatan kepada berbagai pihak dalam dan dari luar negeri seperti airlines,tour operator dan hotel terutama sekali yang meyediakan makanan halal untuk melakukan kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan
BDR Konsorsium dengan motonya Together We Share ini diyakini akan menjadi salah satu motor pendorong industri kreatif berbasis UKM di Indonesia dengan visi menjadi konsorsium travel terdepan dan terbaik yang misinya memberikan kemudahan, kenyamanan dan pelayanan terbaik untuk para anggota dan mitra konsorsium.
Perlu disadari juga dengan konsorsium ini adalah salah satu solusi terbaik di tengah melemahnya daya beli masyarakat saat ini , “Kalau travel jalan sendiri-sendiri dengan jamaah sedikit kan jadi rugi, kalau bareng-bareng kan jamaah jadi banyak dan ongkos produksi jadi bisa ditekan dan kita bisa lebih menguntungkan”, tegas Pak Cheriatna
Visi Misi BDR Konsorsium
Menjadi penyedia layanan dan solusi bisnis travel terbaik dan terpercaya.
Memberikan layanan dan solusi bisnis travel yang melebihi ekspektasi pelanggan
PT. BDR Konsorsium berkantor di Gedung twink lt.3 Jalan Kapt. Tendean No. 82 Mampang, Jakarta Selatan, Tel. 021-79182404, Email: , Website:
Indonesian businessmen on tourism industries who are gathered into bisnis dari rumah community (BDR) form a consortium organization which aims to provide tour packages for moslem travelers who are longing for tour packages equipped with halal food guaranteed services while doing journey for both domestic and international destinations.
Considering the importance of a greater organization, those businessmen work together to create this consortium community in the form of a limited liability company in which its shares are owned by 100 tourism industry businessmen and professionals and agreed upon by all members this organozation is finally named as PT BDR Konsorsium.
As promotional method, PT BDR Konsorsium will use not only above the line (atl) marketing activity such as advertising in printed media and others but also below the line (btl) marketing activities like organizing some events or exhibitions to promote the community and the product, said director of PT BDR Konsorsium Mr. Cheriatna, thursday 25/06/2015.
Mr. Cheriatna added that the members of PT BDR Konsorsium even spend their own money to do some kind of promotional activities for the success of their moslem tour packages via e-mail, social media and printed media like magazine and newspaper.
As l said earlier some travel agencies that have join the consortium are as follows:
PT BDR Konsorsium provides moslem tour to several destinations like China, Korea, Japan, Turkey, Dubai, Egypt, Morocco, and some countries in Europe with a competitive price. Moreover, the konsorsium also provides umroh plus moslem tour by doing cooperation with licensed travel agency from ministry of religious affairs.
To enlarge their marketing activities PT BDR Konsorsium also implements co-marketing strategy by recruiting various airlines. this strategy shall enrich the destinations which this konsorsium already has. Now PT BDR Konsorsium provides more destinations not only international but also domestic trip for traveling lovers.
Today, Garuda Indonesia as one of the world's biggest airlines welcomes the existence of this community said Mr Cheriatna a low profile man who was born in Jakarta August 5 1974. We still have a lot of targets and opportunities to be explored such as lslamic boarding schools, lslamic women community, financial institutions and many more.
Mr Cheriatna said that currently PT BDR Konsorsium offers some travel agencies to join this community as members in order to learn and grab all the opportunity together. One of the benefits of being a member in this community is the use of travel system basis that can be accessed anytime and anywhere by all members to support their marketing activities. This means that we are now ready to welcome and face a digital era then share it to our customers.
PT BDR Konsorsium also opens partnership to all parties worldwide such as airlines, tour operators, and hotels which provide moslem services to our customers mainly for the need of halal food.
PT BDR konsorsium with its motto 'together we share' is believed to become one of the most dynamic entity yo foster creative small scale business in lndonesia. In line with its vision to be able to lead the most advanced- and best consortium community, PT BDR Konsorsium also brings a mission to give easiness, comfort and best service for its members and customers.
One thing for sure to be realized about is that this consortium is one of the best solutions for travel agencies in the midst of low purchasing power of customers today. If travel agencies runs the business in their own, it will give them loss. But if they run business altogether, it will give them better profit and opportunities, said Mr Cheriatna.
PT BDR Konsorsium is located on the 3rd floor of Twink Building. Jl. Kapten Tendean no 82 Mampang Prapatan South Jakarta. Phone 021-79182404. Email: website:
Indonesian businessmen on tourism industries who are gathered into bisnis dari rumah community (BDR) form a consortium organization which aims to provide tour packages for moslem travelers who are longing for tour packages equipped with halal food guaranteed services while doing journey for both domestic and international destinations.
Considering the importance of a greater organization, those businessmen work together to create this consortium community in the form of a limited liability company in which its shares are owned by 100 tourism industry businessmen and professionals and agreed upon by all members this organozation is finally named as PT BDR Konsorsium.
As promotional method, PT BDR Konsorsium will use not only above the line (atl) marketing activity such as advertising in printed media and others but also below the line (btl) marketing activities like organizing some events or exhibitions to promote the community and the product, said director of PT BDR Konsorsium Mr. Cheriatna, thursday 25/06/2015.
Mr. Cheriatna added that the members of PT BDR Konsorsium even spend their own money to do some kind of promotional activities for the success of their moslem tour packages via e-mail, social media and printed media like magazine and newspaper.
As l said earlier some travel agencies that have join the consortium are as follows:
- Cheria Wisata
- Siriz Travel
- Ababil Tour Travel
- Akbar Travel
- Al Baldah
- Al Shomadani Tour Travel
- Al Fath
- Al Mudoffar Tour Travel
- Amex Tour Travel
- Amira Wisata
- Andalusia Travindo
- Salam Wisata Nuryadin Tour Travel
- Ar Rosyid Tour Travel
- Lariz Travel
- Asia Travelholic
- Ayyash Tour Travel
- Azwa Umroh Tour Travel
- Baliasa Tour Travel
- Berbudi Wisata
- Cahaya Arroyyan Tour Travel
- Cahaya Khadija Wisata
- Cahaya Semesta
- Citra Nusa Sejati Tour Travel
- D’naim Tour Travel
- Delima 12 Tour Travel
- Dhaifah Tour Travel
- Dlyon Tour Travel
- Elfanza Tour Travel
- Happy Joy Tour
- Hasna Wisata,
- IM – Travel
- Indorama Tour Travel
- Menebar Bahagia Semesta Tour Travel
- I-You Travelovers
- Jasa Setia Wisata
- Jazira Wisata
- Menara Wisata
- Khadijah Tour Travel
- Khalila Tour Travel
- Khansa Tour and Travel
- Kholifah Wisata
- Lan Tabur Tour Travel
- Leap Perdana Tour Travel
- Lingkartama Travelindo
- Lintas Nusa Tour
- LW Tour Travel
- Madina Wisata
- Malika Tour Travel
- Maryam Tour Travel
- Mitra Ceria
- Namy Tour Travel
- Natura Tour Travel
- Putra Mandiri Wisata Tour
- Raidan Travel
- Raya Wisata
- Ryan Fadel Travelholic
- Shafwan Tour Travel
- She Tour Travel
- Sudez Wisata
- Syahani Tour Travel
- Faith Tour
- Insan Tour Travel
- Noura Tour Travel
- Timura Tour
- Turmeric Tour Travel
- Usain Tour Travel
- Wika 7 Travel Tour
- Asahy Tour Travel
- Banana Tour
- Madinah Iman Wisata
- Taqia Wisata
- Jabal Marwah Tour Travel
- Mahir International Tour
- Sayang Tour
- MTW Wisata
- SWD Tour Travel
- Khanza Travel
PT BDR Konsorsium provides moslem tour to several destinations like China, Korea, Japan, Turkey, Dubai, Egypt, Morocco, and some countries in Europe with a competitive price. Moreover, the konsorsium also provides umroh plus moslem tour by doing cooperation with licensed travel agency from ministry of religious affairs.
To enlarge their marketing activities PT BDR Konsorsium also implements co-marketing strategy by recruiting various airlines. this strategy shall enrich the destinations which this konsorsium already has. Now PT BDR Konsorsium provides more destinations not only international but also domestic trip for traveling lovers.
Today, Garuda Indonesia as one of the world's biggest airlines welcomes the existence of this community said Mr Cheriatna a low profile man who was born in Jakarta August 5 1974. We still have a lot of targets and opportunities to be explored such as lslamic boarding schools, lslamic women community, financial institutions and many more.
Mr Cheriatna said that currently PT BDR Konsorsium offers some travel agencies to join this community as members in order to learn and grab all the opportunity together. One of the benefits of being a member in this community is the use of travel system basis that can be accessed anytime and anywhere by all members to support their marketing activities. This means that we are now ready to welcome and face a digital era then share it to our customers.
PT BDR Konsorsium also opens partnership to all parties worldwide such as airlines, tour operators, and hotels which provide moslem services to our customers mainly for the need of halal food.
PT BDR konsorsium with its motto 'together we share' is believed to become one of the most dynamic entity yo foster creative small scale business in lndonesia. In line with its vision to be able to lead the most advanced- and best consortium community, PT BDR Konsorsium also brings a mission to give easiness, comfort and best service for its members and customers.
One thing for sure to be realized about is that this consortium is one of the best solutions for travel agencies in the midst of low purchasing power of customers today. If travel agencies runs the business in their own, it will give them loss. But if they run business altogether, it will give them better profit and opportunities, said Mr Cheriatna.
PT BDR Konsorsium is located on the 3rd floor of Twink Building. Jl. Kapten Tendean no 82 Mampang Prapatan South Jakarta. Phone 021-79182404. Email: website:
Salam sapa salam kena Sofa
BalasHapusKomunitas yang sangat bermanfaat tentunya
Perkenalkan nama saya zull fikar. Dan saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada MBAH JONOSEUH atas bantuannya selama ini dan saya tidak menyanka kalau saya sudah bisa sukses dan ini semua berkat bantuan MBAH JONOSEUH,selama ini, saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang2 dan alhamdulillah kini sekaran saya sudah punya usaha Restoran sendiri,itu semua atas bantuan beliau.Saya sangat berterimakasih banyak kepada MBAH JONOSEUH atas bantuan nomor togel dan dana ghaibnya, dan saya yang dulunya pakum karna masalah faktor ekonomi dan kini kami sekeluarga sudah sangat serba berkecukupan dan tidak pernah lagi hutang sana sini,,bagi anda yang punya masalah keuangan jadi jangan ragu-ragu untuk menghubungi MBAH JONOSEUH karna beliau akan membantu semua masalah anda dan baru kali ini juga saya mendaptkan para normal yang sangat hebat dan benar-benar terbukti nyata,ini bukan hanya sekedar cerita atau rekayasa tapi inilah kisah nyata yang benar-benar nyata dari saya dan bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi MBAH JONOSEUH di 0823 4444 5588 dan ingat kesempatan tidak akan datang untuk yang ke 2 kalinya terimah kasih..
Hapusuntuk sementara kami mencari dan mendatangkan tamu dari luar negeri. kami tunggu lucks!
BalasHapusSalam kenal Saya Syafitri TKI DI MALAYSIA
BalasHapusMaaf sebelumnya jika lewat Tempat ini saya menceritakan kisah hidup saya niat saya hanyalah semata ingin berbagi tapi semua tergantung Anda percaya atau tidak yg jelasnya inilah kenyataannya...
Syukur alhamdulillah kini saya bisa menghirup udara segar di indonesia karnah sudah sekian lama saya ingin pulang ke kampung halaman namun tak bisa sebab,saya harus bekerja di negri orang (Arab Saudi) karna ada hutang yang harus saya bayar di majikan yaitu 257 juta untuk uang indo namun saya tidak pusing lagi sebab kemaring saya di berikan Info oleh seseorang yang tidak saya kenal,katanya kalau mengalami kesulitan Ekonomi,Terlilit hutang silahkan minta bantuan sama
KI BARONG di Nomor telfon 0852 8895 8775 di jamin bantuan beliau 100% …
7.PENGLARIS BISNIS (Jualan,Tokoh,warung)
Jadi saya beranikan diri menghubungi beliau dan menyampaikan semua masalah saya dan alhamdulillah saya bisa di bantu,kini semua hutang saya sama majikan di Saudi semua bisa terlunasi dan punya modal untuk pulang kampung,,,,
Jadi buat yang pengen seperti saya silahkan hubungi KI BARONG di nomor 0852 8895 8775 Anda tidak usah ragu akan adanya penipuan atau hal semacamnya sebab saya dan yg lainnya sudah membuktikan keampuhan bantuan beliau kini giliran Anda trimahkasi….